Friday, February 24, 2012

Always ready to do what is good!

 Remind the believers to submit to the government and its officers. They should be obedient, always ready to do what is good. 2 They must not slander anyone and must avoid quarreling. Instead, they should be gentle and show true humility to everyone. (Titus 3:1-2)
Hello Everyone! This has been an area that I have been dealing with for a few weeks now. Doing good! I believe that I am a good person at heart, we all are. It's just the choice that we make can sometimes be evil and disobedient to what God has spoken to us about. Sometimes, God will speak to me to do something nice and sincere for a person or just offer a kind and encouraging word and I get discouraged. Negative thoughts creep into my mind.(we have to stay on top of our thoughts, this is not an area that we can allow to control us) Some thoughts that would come to mind are, why should I do this or say this to this person, they will never be appreciative of my gesture. Maybe they won't respond the way I expect or if at all.  
 For example, when we pray for people and want to see a change in them or our situation, encourage them! We can not change them, but God can. So as God does his work in them, encourage them along the way. It will make them desire the change that God is working on with-in them more and more. Remember, often times when we pray for change in someone else or a situation, God will first work a change in us! He is stretching us to deal with the situation.  Don't stop encouraging them because you don't see change or the person isn't responded the way you imagined right away, they may fight against it, haven't you done this before?! Be like Christ,  do not judge, learn to forgive and be compassionate and loving to others. Love others for who they are in that moment! They are a work in progress just like you and me!
So, no matter what the outcome you have to sow good seeds. Do good unto others ALWAYS. "Do the right thing when you don't feel like  it , those are the times of growth and really see God work"- Joyce Meyer!
Be Inspired,
Sweet Lady! :)


  1. Wonderful thoughts. Definitely a helpful challenge. It's easy to want to do the right thing, but when it comes right down to it, in the moment, we can be surprised by our inability to do so. Thankfully God gives us strength! xoxo linds of

  2. God sure does give us strength! Thanks so much for your comment! Love your blog by the way!
