Wednesday, August 29, 2012

So much going on...

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So I have soo much going on in this lil head of mine that I would LOVE to write about. But, I need to find the time. This week as been rather busy for me. EXCUSES EXCUSES, I know. But hopefully, I will squeeze some time in before church tonight to write a quick entry. Also, I want to revamp my blog to try and reach a broader audience. I think I will work on that during the fall/winter when things slow down a bit.

Hope everyone is having a GREAT DAY!!!

Listen to this song! Makes me want to worship God all day, needless to say I havent gotten much work done today because of

Love yall,

Sweet Lady

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hope and Ask....

God has been speaking to me a lot recently about putting my hope in Him ALONE. Now he has been speaking to me through various outlets about not just hoping and thinking things will work out but Hoping and Asking Him. Recently, I read this portion of Joel and Victoria Osteen's blog...

It's not enough to just think about it. It's not enough to just hope for it. Something supernatural happens when you ask. It puts a demand on your faith. When you ask, God releases His favor. When you ask, the angels go to work. When you ask, supernatural doors will begin to open. Ask in faith knowing that He hears you, and He is faithful. He will complete the good work He started in you!

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7, NIV).

So with that being said we must not just put our hope in Jesus but ask him for the things we are hoping for IF they align with His will.  He wants to communicate with us.

Love ya,

Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Endings before beginnings

Sharing my thoughts...Not sure if its poetry but...
It's like we end before we begin
Like our time is never well spent

Like night is before day even begins
Like desert and no entree
It just ends before it begins

Like a climax with no intercourse
Like credits with no previews
It just ends before it begins

Just to b without  the worries a new day brings just to b in your arms loving,  appreciating and captivated by each moment spent.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

He is.....

So as of this past Sunday I decided to get a new tattoo. At first, I wanted Yahweh, which is God in Hebrew. Then I changed my mind. Noooo, I thought. I should get my fav scriputre, Hebrews 12:11. Then tonight in my quiet time...

As I was drawn to read Exodus 3:1. I devoted a portion of my quiet time to being Humble. This scripture tells the story of Moses being a sheperd and how God used this experience to humble him. I began reading the footnotes in my Life Application Bible. I came down to verses 13-15 which states:

"God called himself I AM, a name describing his eternal power and unchangeable character." That alone excites me! He never changes! Life is all about change and learning to adapt from the things and people that will always change, yet we must still grow and remain humble and keep Him first. So when life gets a little unstable and things and people began to change, I will always be reminded that He IS!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

God Opposes the proud but favors the Humble...

I woke up this morning realizing that my weekend did not begin as I had planned. God spoke shortly after and said..."I wanted you to spend this weekend with me." Okay God. A weekend of quiet time with just Him and I it is.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thoughts: Having you here....

So I am beginning to write some of my thoughts down on my notepad in my IPhone...I am SUCH a daydreamer so you can imagine the thoughts and dreams that I have on a daily basis. So here is a recent one...

Having you here....

Pushes me
Motivates me
Encourages me
Makes my heart smile
Gives me butterflies
Makes me want to love more
Makes my light shine a lil bit brighter
Having u here again is a dream that I never wanna wake up from again.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Sometimes we may be on opposite ends of the play ground but at least we are on the same playground.

Sometimes in life we may be on two different pages with someone but at least you're in the same book.