Friday, June 15, 2012

The Cleaner

So this is gonna be quick. But, last night I was cleaning my apartment and God spoke to me so loud in clear yet, so randomly. Love Him! :) I had sprayed the bath tub with cleaner to let it sit for about 30 mins, maybe longer. ( I had forgotten about it and went to rest on my bed lol) When I came back to clean it, the tub was so much easier to clean because I had waited for the cleaner to take its course. God spoke right there. He said, "I am the cleaner. Just wait and REST as you did and let me do my thing that way when it's time for you to step in, I would have made things so much easier for you" WOW right!?! God is just so amazing! Have a great weekend GALS AND GIRLS! :)

Love ya,

Sweet Lady


  1. Love this, thank you for sharing...this made my day!!!

  2. I LOVE THIS! God is sooooo amazing and good to us. And its so true, if we would just wait for His timing instead of our own, things would be so much easier (learn that one already Ash!) So great to hear from a sister in Christ, and this was definitely a positive inspiration! Keep lovin' Jesus girl :)

  3. Thank you both for your comments! I appreciate them! :)
