For He deserves all of our praise and Thanksgiving! If no other day of the year, today you should wake up with a spirit of Thanksgiving on your heart! God has been soo good to us! Why you ask? Ummmm well for starters, you are reading this post so that means you are alive, have eyesight, a sound mind, you have electricity, your cell phone is not disconnected, you have activity of you limbs...PRAISE God for just those things!
For the past three weeks, I have been in a lil funk because things were not going my way in my life. But thank God for his grace and mercy and Amazing friends and family allowing me to realize that the battle is all His and that I need to release my control to him and Shut up! (Exodus 14:13-14) Even when things don't seem right, I know IN HIM I still have the victory!
This year has been a year of growth for me! I thank him for the pain and struggles that I have went through to build the strength that I have now! When I think of the goodness of Jesus and allllllll He has done for me and around me, my soul cries out!!! THANKFUL!!! Praise and give thanks to Him on today!
Be Inspired,
Sweet Lady! :)
Thanks so much! :)