Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanks be to the one and only God!

For He deserves all of our praise and Thanksgiving! If no other day of the year, today you should wake up with a spirit of Thanksgiving on your heart! God has been soo good to us! Why you ask? Ummmm well for starters, you are reading this post so that means you are alive, have eyesight, a sound mind, you have electricity, your cell phone is not disconnected, you have activity of you limbs...PRAISE God for just those things!

For the past three weeks, I have been in a lil funk because things were not going my way in my life. But thank God for his grace and mercy and Amazing friends and family allowing me to realize that the battle is all His and that I need to release my control to him and Shut up! (Exodus 14:13-14)  Even when things don't seem right, I know IN HIM I still have the victory!

This year has been a year of growth for me! I thank him for the pain and struggles that I have went through to build the strength that I have now! When I think of the goodness of Jesus and allllllll He has done for me and around me, my soul cries out!!! THANKFUL!!! Praise and give thanks to Him on today!

Be Inspired,

Sweet Lady! :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


"Dont lower your standards for anyone" -Ms. Tyler at my old church sent this message randomly to me through my mom...but I feel like it is a direct message from God!

My mom said all she said was tell her I said hello and that I know she is doing well in life and "Dont lower her standards for anyone"! That spoke so much life into me. I have recently been contemplating if I can at times expect to much and set my standards too high for others! But that there was confirmation!

I have another post coming soon...stay tuned lol

Be inspired,

Sweet Lady!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Rejection or Protection??

The title of my post was the title of my devotional that I received this morning in my email from Diva Zone, an online magazine. In this mornings daily dose was this quote, " Try your best to stop taking everything so personal, because many times it is not even about you." -Felisha Jones. It spoke to me because I am guilty of doing that from time to time.

Be inspired

Sweet Lady :)

Here is the remainder of the email, in case anyone may want to read.

Rejection or Protection??

Is there anyone in your life that you know like a book? Let me help you out a bit. It is that person whose habits are pretty much engraved in your brain. It is that person who can guarantee that you will warn them before they do something they will regret based on what you have come to know about them. What trips me out is that we know ourselves like a book, yet we don't love ourselves enough to listen to our own internal warnings.

Well, guess what girlfriend? God knows each and every one of us like a book. We are NOT slick. And, you can best believe that He knows what we need before we ask and He definitely knows how to keep us out of situations that we will regret later.
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

I chuckle at times, when I think about how our Heavenly Father has to deal with us DIVAs as we continue to grow and learn. God will gently tap our fingers saying..."Leave that alone baby"...and we with our neatly manicured fingernails continue to reach and grab and that's when that gentle tap on the fingers turns into "Go to your room" -- you know that place of complete isolation and shut down, where we are forced to think about our actions and vow to make a better decision the next time?

So, the next time you even think about using your DIVA powers to knock down that closed, boarded up, cemented shut door with CAUTION written in red, please remember that the world's rejection is God's gracious protection.

Isaiah 64:4 For since the beginning of the world
Men have not heard nor perceived by the ear,
Nor has the eye seen any God besides You,
Who acts for the one who waits for Him. (NKJ)

Next Steps: Try your best to stop taking everything so personal, because many times it is not even about you.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Simple and to the point....

"Quit mourning over things you can not change" -Joel Osteen

When you go through things you dont understand and may not be sure why something did or did not happen? Get comfortable not knowing its a part of growing and maturing!

Thats all for now....

Be inspired,

Sweet Lady!

SN: Everything that I post on my blog is not to be taken as me being a know it all,  but me sharing some of the notes that I am receiving from different outlets in my life. I desire for others as well as myself to grow and mature into the person God has chosen them. "Aint no fun if the homies cant have none" right?!?!