Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Men are goal oriented and Woman are process oriented"

Sunday sitting in church I was reviewing my notes from past sermons. As I came across one quote from my pastor Lance Watson( Saint Paul's Baptist Church, Richmond Va). During that sermon he was preaching and teaching a message from a series called Knot Happy. The quote was the title of this post "Men are goal oriented and Woman are process oriented" Shortly after church on Sunday, I had plans to spend the day with a friend. I arrived at his home and we discussed what we were going to do that day. I then expressed my EXTREME need to get my eyebrows waxed. The convo went something like this: Me: "I need to stop by the mall and get my eyebrows waxed, look at me I have a forest growing above my eyes..I cant walk around looking like this!" His response: "I don't care how you look as long as your personality never changes". Super sweet right!?!!....

I was at work on yesterday walking down the hall when that occurrence popped in my head (I am such an over thinker..gift and a curse) and the quote that I had re-read on Sunday did as well. He doesn't care about the process, (getting my waxed) but he just loves the end result (when the goal has been accomplished). I think it brightens my face...maybe its just me though...I'm sure you ladies understand.

Ladies guys don't really care much about the process of getting our nails done, hair did, eyebrows waxed or our shopping extravaganza's. They just love the goal once its accomplished. The nicely manicured nails, your hair smelling good, flowing in the wind, eyebrows groomed and your banging outfit that may hug your body just right, yet still sophisticated.

That's all for now....

Be inspired...

Sweet Lady!


  1. Ok.. I have said it like 20 times today but I absolutely love this post!

  2. I love this post too !!! SO SO SO SO true ! I'm so glad you started blogging : )
