Thursday, October 27, 2011


" When I look back over the last year until know! I am beyond grateful! God has broken me and made me so much stronger! I thank Him for the valley low! I am soo humbled as I embark on my mountain highs!" -Me after my promotion a lil over a month ago!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Not Making Moves Outside of what God has for You!

This post comes courtesy of my LS, Chelsi!  Sometimes in life we get in a hurry to see things succeed. I would like to encourage you not to do ANYTHING, outside of Gods will for you life. That means waiting for his timing! There is a time and season for everything. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Doing something outside of Gods timing can mean HELL in your life. Be patient. I know it may be hard during your season of waiting. But during this season, you should be preparing for the blessing(s) that God has in store for you.Redirect your attention. Be patient and wait on Him, for in due season you will reap your harvest if you faint not! (Galatians 6:9)

Listen to this for encouragement: Wait on the Lord:Donnie McClurkin

Be inspired,

Sweet Lady! :)

Do you Boo...

As I was traveling on 95N on my way home from church on Sunday, a thought came to mind of how many women and men, forget to DO THEM! Many times when we enter into new relationships weather with the same(friendships) or opposite sex our priorities can be altered. Which is completely fine. However, do not forget to do you! Dont allow yourself to be so tuned into them that you forget to satisfy your needs and wants in life. I know females that have been so consumed with being with a man that they lose sight of who they are, were and are going in life (myself included). You do not have to spend ALL your time with a person, especially not too soon. Like a pastor Wesley said in church on Friday night u should not give a complete 100% to anyone immediately. You don't know if they deserve all of your goodness yet.

When u do that u will always end up disappointed and full of negative emotions. Always remember to take time out for you, schedule some ME time, hang out with friends or w/e u do that brings u peace. My peace can be found in mani's, pedi's, church on Sundays, walking in the mall browsing, reading a good book, laying in bed with the lights out gospel music playing and just my thoughts(I do this most often)!

Oh and never let fear hold u back! When in question, seek God in prayer, patiently wait and move in His time! ;)

Be inspired ,

Sweet Lady!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Men are goal oriented and Woman are process oriented"

Sunday sitting in church I was reviewing my notes from past sermons. As I came across one quote from my pastor Lance Watson( Saint Paul's Baptist Church, Richmond Va). During that sermon he was preaching and teaching a message from a series called Knot Happy. The quote was the title of this post "Men are goal oriented and Woman are process oriented" Shortly after church on Sunday, I had plans to spend the day with a friend. I arrived at his home and we discussed what we were going to do that day. I then expressed my EXTREME need to get my eyebrows waxed. The convo went something like this: Me: "I need to stop by the mall and get my eyebrows waxed, look at me I have a forest growing above my eyes..I cant walk around looking like this!" His response: "I don't care how you look as long as your personality never changes". Super sweet right!?!!....

I was at work on yesterday walking down the hall when that occurrence popped in my head (I am such an over and a curse) and the quote that I had re-read on Sunday did as well. He doesn't care about the process, (getting my waxed) but he just loves the end result (when the goal has been accomplished). I think it brightens my face...maybe its just me though...I'm sure you ladies understand.

Ladies guys don't really care much about the process of getting our nails done, hair did, eyebrows waxed or our shopping extravaganza's. They just love the goal once its accomplished. The nicely manicured nails, your hair smelling good, flowing in the wind, eyebrows groomed and your banging outfit that may hug your body just right, yet still sophisticated.

That's all for now....

Be inspired...

Sweet Lady!

Friday, October 14, 2011

"Life is a Marathon not a Sprint"

I heard this quote in two different places this week. Once on the BET Hip hop Awards, during LL Cool J's acceptance speech and again today while listening to a trainer's fitness plan named Jamie Eason on This is a true statement and I just wanted to share because it really caused me to ponder on it for a while. So I did some research on the quote and this is what I found...

-A marathon by its nature is an endurance race that tests and tries the body, eventually taking it beyond its breaking point.

-A sprint as the verb, means to run or move very fast for a short distance

-“Life is a marathon, not a sprint” refers to the fact that related to making lifestyle choices and changes, you need to stick with it for the long haul. Many of us are impatient and want to have quick results.

Whatever your goals, aspirations or dreams are, stick with it for the long haul! Your marathon will be complete in due time, beyond what you thought was your breaking point. :)

TGIF and as always,

Be inspired :)

-My sources for the above are:,-not-a-sprint&catid=109:life&Itemid=27

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Boyfriend Trend......

Boyfriend tweed Blazer Forever 21 $28.90 I love this, just wish it was long sleeve.......

I really wanna go thrifting for a boyfriend blazer, cute lil T's and baggy sweaters...

This fall/winter " Boyfriend" anything is must! Jeans, blazers, shirts!!! Its so easy, yet you can dress it up or down and look fab! I am love with this trend! I just wanted to share!

Have a great week everyone!

Be inspired by this trend! :)

Sweet Lady

Saturday, October 1, 2011

"If we make each other happy, then we just can't lose"

As I sat in the hair salon waiting to be put under the dryer, I'm listening to Pandora and Chocolate High, by India Arie comes on. This one lyric stuck out to me this time!

If in any relationship u are NOT making one another happy it's def time to do some re-evaluating. That doesn't mean end it, but seek out the reason u first feel in love or as my ls says strong like for that person. This all starts with u! What makes u happy and build off of that. Making someone happy should not b this big extravagant list of things u must do yet it should b the simplest things in life. Their presence, kisses on their cheek or forehead, texts messages and calls just to say I miss u, I'm thinking of u or I hope your having a great day! In a nut shell it's the little thoughts in our mind that we often brush off into a corner pocket in our mind. Clean that corner pocket out and begin to show everyone around u the happiness that u have on the inside. Make someone's day! Have a great weekend!

P.S. Remember your significant other should b the quiet part of your least that is what I seek. Like God he or she comes in a small or still way but has the biggest impact!

Be Inspired,

Sweet Lady ;)