Friday, September 14, 2012

Plans for me....

This is another note from my phone. Please excuse any errors as this is only a raw and somewhat transparent post of something that came off the top of my head… Enjoy!

The plans you have for me...

Create worry. I often wonder when, where, how.

But I'm often reminded to stand on Your promises.

To know that I know, that I know that what You say in Your word are honest and true.

As a man thinkth then so is he.

So I often act on my emotions instead of the promises that Your word reminds me of. The devil creeps in and tells me that I will be single forever…why can’t I be in a relationship like everyone around me…I will never have my own children and that I will only be able to adopt( Which I really want to do regardless, however I want to experience the amazing feeling of my own child growing inside of me). Sometimes he (the devil) creeps in saying, I’m not doing a good job at work and I’m going be fired tomorrow and fear creeps in at night nervous that someone will break into my apartment. Why can't I have clear skin like so and so, calves like this one of gluts like her! 

BUT GOD! I am made in the image of god! Beautifully and wonderfully made.  When the devil attacks, I attack back with the word and promises of God! Sometimes, shoot, a lot of times, I fail but God's grace and mercies are new every morning and for that I am thankful. How awesome is that?!?

Let me tell you not living by your emotions is one of the hardest things to NOT do and takes a lot of SHUTTING UP and allowing your flesh to die and God’s love to shine through. But, seek God and through His strength it is possible.

Love ya,

Sweet Lady

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Under Construction....

Soooo I have decided to redo my blog. So with that being said I will not be making frequent post. I want to reach a much broader audience and before I do that I want to enhance the look of my page. I have even found a designer to design my page! :) So stay tuned in the coming months for a NEW LOOK!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Guard your Heart and Mind

I receive Tyler Perry emails this is a recent one...Enjoy!

If you can get this, this will change your life… I was out taking my morning run. I love how still it is when I’m running. I can hear clearly and really commune with God. I wanted to share this with you. It’s a lesson I had to learn.

One of the keys to success is to be able to guard your heart. Now, usually when someone says guard your heart they are talking about keeping yourself from heartbreak. Although that is important (as long as you don’t go overboard... but that’s another conversation) that isn’t what I’m talking about. When we are born into this world we enter with such a pure heart but as we grow older situations, circumstances and people tend to make us change. Now I know it is nearly impossible to keep a childlike innocence in our hearts all of our lives, especially after people have betrayed, lied, mistreated and downright been the devil. Trust me when I tell you, I have seen it all. I have been there big time. If you’re like me you’ve been there too. But if this is your situation I want you to know two very important things about those moments of heartbreak. Number one, learn the lesson in it. See how it will work together for your good, because it will. Once you do, it’s easier to forgive and move on. Secondly, and this is just as important as the first one, you must not let that person or people change your heart. What do I mean by that? Well, if you are a giver and someone you have given to misuses your gift, don’t stop giving… just give to someone else. If you are a person that loves people and someone you love hates you, don’t stop loving… love someone else. Eventually, you will find people who appreciate your kindness and your love. Remember this, lots of people have been conditioned to not be able to accept purity of heart. They can’t take it in. Most times it’s not even their fault. It’s just what has happened to them on their journey in life. But don’t let them turn you into one of them. There will be a lot of people in your life who will not appreciate your pureness of heart. If they hurt you don’t stop being you… just be you with someone else.

Why is this so important? Because God blesses you according to what is in your heart. If you are being kind, giving, loving and sharing because it is in your heart and you are not looking for anything in return, then that is a heart that God wants to bless. If you change who you are because you’ve been hurt, then you’ve changed the thing that God wants to bless you according to, and that is your heart. The people who hurt you are not worth that. You can lose everything that you have, but don’t let anybody change your heart.